Tuesday, October 13, 2009

La Rhume i.e. The Cold

Ick. I have a cold. I found out the night before last night that my host mother had a cold.... and then yesterday afternoon I was attacked by a bout of sneezing, and am currently up in arms against my cold-vitamins, vitamin c, oranges, vicks stuff, etc. Worst things about it: its like having a cold in summer, all you want is nice warm soup and hot tea... which are both things that make you disgustingly hotter in this heat. Second, the tea here has caffine in it, which would make it do more bad than good. So ick. But on the upside the rash is gone! Party. Just incase you all were wondering no, I do not have a fever, in fact I'm running about a degree below normal, so I'm good. Just super exhausted with the cold and all the learning. I'll write more tomorrow.

Interesting fact of the day:
-taxis have hair extensions hanging from their rear bumpers
-Because of the moth of november (or maybe the begining of every month) there are choralers (ish) who go go through the neighborhoods at night singing something in arabic that I cant understand.
-When you sneeze people say Alhumdulilaay ( thanks be to god) because they percieve it as the devil being purged out of your system. People have been saying this a lot to me the past two days.

If your feeling a little bit like me right now, watch this.

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