Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goings On

So its basically been a huge mess of learning. French in the morning, french in the afternoon, french all my life. Which is good. But I'm even worse at french grammar that I am at english grammar- so its a bit trying to epicly fail every moment of six hours. Okay, that may be a slight overstatement, but I think its getting a little bit better. Tomorrow were making crepes for all the military guys from Fort Brag before they leave! Benjaman and I talk every day during our first break, hes basically the coolest guy ever. Hmm, so what I've missed this week: laundry detergent, trafic laws (especially the ones saying yield to the pedestrian), my oatmeal rasin cookies, grass, fashion ( I look at the NYTimes Magazine fashion section when I am online, what is happening to me?), and cooking in general. Oh, and apples and brie, so delish. I've been decidedly more adventureous of late: I ate the green frothy bisap sauce (I think its made from the plants leaves), and it kind of does taste like leaves. Then theres this green tomatoe looking vegetable, it tastes like a bitter jalepeno. Rachel reminded me that saying something made my taste buds run away and hide in a safe part of my mouth when I ate it is culturaly insensitive, so I will just say they are an acquired taste. We find out a summary of our apprenticeships tomorrow!! Well actually we were supposed to find out today, but Rachel is sick, so it was bumped to tomorrow. Then at the end of the month, the day before we leave, she will meet with each of us individualy to give us in depth discriptions of what we are doing.

So every night around 11pm a group of aproximatly 12 full grown men gather outside my window and talk for at least two hours. Point to me for bringing ear plugs. Also, the past two nights I've been getting these wierd little bites while I sleep. I figure I can just ride it out, and then I can always light a bug bomb in my new house if it is a problem. Then around 6am someone comes and nocks on the metal door that is outside my room, but about two inches from it. Its not that its really loud at all, I just always think someone is knocking on my door so I think I have to get up for it. I'm pretty sure this trip will help me be one of those people who actually sleeps, or more that actually can, through sounds and light. Who knows, maybe I will even learn how to nap?????Le Gasp! So I must go home now, as there is this massive soccer match tonight and if I go home to late I will be caught in the crowds which is a bit dangerous, as I have all my stuff with me. Hopefully next week I get to go to a match too. Oh, and I'll let you all know about it tomorrow, but I finally went on a run.... and got to play soccer =)

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