Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Forgot A Few Things

Hmm so heres some more light hearted items

Palm Action- You shake hands with everyone you meet. It is only when you get 'palm action' though, that someone is intrested in being more than aquaintance. So beware of the tickle of the palm

Another NC Connection- So it seems like everyone is from north carolina. Small recap
GCY fellows- Laura Keaton, Michael Wilson, and Me
GCY staff member Graham went to UNC and lives about two minutes from my school, and Mrs. Lindquist taught him at Ravenscroft. He also played soccer at CASL
There were the presenters for the Center of Creative Leadership ( one of the days in San Fran) who are from Greensboro
There was another group of people at IONS- and six of them were from Charlotte
One of the board members for GCY grew up in NC, went to Broughton, and then to UNC. And his brother is currently attending Chapel Hill.
And I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Anyways, we were talking to are wolof teacher about where we were from. Of course I say I'm from Raleigh. It turns out his best friend sells inurance in Raleigh.

In Senegal the man gives a dowry, or a payment, to the womans family for her. Comman payment meathods include: A cell phone, cloth materials, a car, a tv, or.... a sewing machine. Traditionally the cash amount was 25,000 CFA. Thats you know, about $50 for a wife.

P.S. Joel, I just want to say hey.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ananda! I guess I officially have celebrity status, being on your blog and all. Let me add myself to your NC connections, given that my new employer is headquartered in NC. And, as far as wives go, one of my best friends from business school just paid a five cow bride price for his lady, so it's not just senegalese. :o)

    We're really enjoying following you guys from here. Enjoy!

