Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Different Kind of Breakfast

Jaimé of Spain, and Marga of Holland. Both are around their late 30’s or early 40’s, have respectable jobs ( documentary film maker and high school philosophy teacher respectively), are not the finest looking things out there ( that may be a generous description); and both came to Senegal for the same thing: sex. While it is easy enough to hear about the prostitution trade and its problems in Africa, it is something else to see it and have conversations about how it affects the development of countries while it is playing out before your eyes. The easily targeted spot here is the beach of Kumba Diallo, with Bifalls, drum circles, tourists, and their traps galore. Locals look to foreigners as a source of money, and maybe even a way out of the country, while the tourists come in looking for a good time at any rate- all creating a parasitic positive feedback loop. Of course this is confined to those few small places… right? Nope, not at all. Those who work at the Village des Tortues talk of the added bonus and chances to find romance and a way out of Senegal, in Noflaye while almost no one knows or bothers to care about the Village des Tortues environmental impact; they always talk about how some tourist come in to Noflaye,; of these some fall in love with it, and then give things, and then maybe fall in love and whisk away a someone or other. Even my host father commented yesterday on how western men and women come to Senegal in order to find a spouse as it is “just to hard” to find a good match where they come from. Parting from my breakfast meeting with Marga, or Margia when she travels, she wished me a good life, and I could not help but feel that she was a good person as was Jaimé. But oh, what a sick world.

Dude, it was hilarious though ( and a bit sad). This beautiful african guy, and this awkward pudgy dutch lady. She said she fell for him because of his mind, and how he was different than all the other bifalls. She also had a penchant for beans and a hearty breakfast. Also said i spoke french well, scorrreeee.

currently there is a massive influx of french people here, so its kina wierd. but its okay, they bring tasty treats.

fun meetings coming up, ngos of SOS envronnement et possiblement oceanium et UNICEF. fabulous.

i also made my family mint mochas this week, and it made me happy to introduce them to it ( mostly loved it, save one kid and a maid), and because i got to drink the left overs the next day. mmm tasty.

also, alec gave me some fig newtons. for the record, strawberry fig newtons reign supreme. the end, with much love

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